Gateway CEO had the privilege of joining the Guest Service Gold Tourism Training sponsored by Madison County Employment & Training Department. Friday was full of gaining in-depth knowledge tied to the hospitality industry, but will serve students for a lifetime - no matter what career path they ultimately choose. Students explored seven elements including:
✅Recovery - Turn a bad experience around quickly! Skills include listening, showing empathy, explaining the cause and offering something of true value to guests.
✅Personalization - Provide an individualized experience to guests. Look for opportunities to create unique experiences. Guests will never forget how this made them feel.
✅Knowledge - Be in the Know. Being a knowledgeable employee can help guests get the most out of their experience.
✅Passion - Inspire others with wanting to be sure things are down well. Always incorporate your passions into your work.
✅Commitment - Be all in. Everyone at a company should want to provide the best service - no matter if they are directly serving guests or serving the other parts of the team.
✅Inclusion - Include everyone! A guest experience for someone with special needs should not be much different than trying to provide the guest experience for them, taking into account any special needs or accessibility.
✅Personality - Be yourself! This is critical in differentiating yourself from others. We each have special characteristics and can shine in different ways - while always being mindful and respectful.

This half day workshop will also result in professional development certification for students.We also loved sharing some brand awareness for Gateay CEO while student debuted their new polos! Special thanks also to the Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob/Marine Chamber of Commercefor lunch and snacks!

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